Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Not-Quites

This photo is a not-quite. I took it a few months ago in California, in Palos Verdes. It was so close to a great shot, but I missed it. A major part of the problem is that I was accidentally shooting in JPEG. See, I was generally careful to use RAW so I could fix photos a little after I learned more about it all.

Anyway, I thought the light was a cool effect. I got it by using a long exposure.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Unpolished gems

Okay, I don't know if this picture looks any good. Honestly. But I do know this - I was looking for a picture of any Asian friend, preferably with long hair, that I could use to illustrate a blog. I was thinking of making the photo blurry to obscure her identity (and emphasize my point - the influence of cultural heritage).

Browsing through Picasa with this one thought - Asian girl, long hair, close up that can be obscured - I found this photo in a mass of wedding shots. As far as wedding shots go, this was terrible. In fact, overall, it wasn't much good. But I thought it might suit my purposes.... so, 5 mins later, I had this. Instead of blurry, I blew the highlights.

Point is - it's amazing how the perfect shot for the occasion can be buried in the archives. I never would have wasted time on this photo - until it perfectly fit what I had in mind. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Had a craving. Indulged because of aforementioned ankle. No regrets.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Sprained Ankle

Sprained my ankle pretty bad... that giant bump is 24 hrs after it happened. But I can hobble around the house now. I decided not to see a doctor - they'd just give me pain meds and a wrap, both of which I can do on my own. Plus, the idea of hobbling to a hospital makes me groan - even driving will be hard tomorrow.

Not much of a photo, but it showed the size of the swelling better than any other angle. And frankly, I don't care much at this point!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Old Point & Shoot

In fairness, I don't call this blog a "365 Project" because I'm not promising to take a photo every day. I'm just trying to upload one.

Anyway, going through some old photos, I discovered my original 365 project folder from 2007. I managed to take a photo every day for about 4 months, but I lagged on posting them. Also, I remember growing frustration at not having a "decent" camera. However, now as I look back, I'm impressed at some of the composition I was doing.

Also, it's interesting to see my daily life in order, it reminds me of things long forgotten. Like these flowers that were a birthday gift from a classmate.... so maybe there's something to the 365 Project after all. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Not sure what this plant is called in English, or even Korean for that matter. But in Japanese it's tsutsuki. And it has something to do with the Harvest Moon... one of those random things I'll probably never forget... and never really have the right facts on either.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Morning Rush Hour

This shot isn't great, but I took it while driving on the freeway. I actually didn't mind this commute too much - the morning sunrise was nice. On the other hand, my average speed was just 10 mph. Yes, 10 miles per hour. As in, my one hour commute to work took me to the other side of the city, but that's only about 10 miles away!

Friday, February 11, 2011

63 Building

This was taken while driving to work one day. I wish I could stop and compose the picture properly. The sunrise is gorgeous and reflects off the golden building. One of the relaxing pleasures of the morning drive.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Catching the Smile

It's hard to catch a natural smile - unless you're working with the happiest baby ever. Some friends and I were hanging out after a wedding. Congrats to Sam and his bride, Sujin, pictured here with her new little cousin. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Foot Bathing

 Not the best shot, but it'll do. In winter, I often soak my feet in hot water in the evenings, especially if I'm sitting at a computer. It keeps me warm without heating the whole room - and it's quite relaxing.